
Innovating General Practice in Redditch

Welcome to Kingfisher Primary Care Network. We are five partnerships across six sites based in Redditch, Worcestershire who are working together to develop new and better ways to meet the diverse needs of our patients.

About the Kingfisher Primary Care Network

General Practice is at the heart of care delivery in the NHS and is the first and most commonly used point of access to healthcare. Since the NHS was first developed in 1948, the population has continued to grow and with access to new technologies and treatments, people are living longer and with much more complex needs. In order to respond to these changing needs, Primary Care Networks (PCNs) have been developed.

Kingfisher PCN practices (St Stephens Surgery including Maple View Medical CentreHillview Medical Centre, Elgar House Surgery, The Dow Surgery and The Bridge Surgery) have a long history of working closely together and since 1st July 2019, the 6 member practices formed Kingfisher PCN and are working together developing new and better ways to meet the diverse needs of our patients. The PCN works together with other healthcare professionals and the voluntary sector to deliver a wider range of services for the future, whilst protecting the core services upon which we all depend. The vision for Kingfisher PCN is to share experience and skills and develop opportunities to bring new local services and thereby improve our population’s wellbeing. Kingfisher PCN will build a sustainable future, working together with community, mental health, social care, pharmacy, hospital and voluntary services to enable greater provision of proactive, personalised, coordinated and more integrated health and social care.

Health info

Health advice at your fingertips!

Download the latest NHS App update.

The NHS App has been redesigned to make it simpler and easier to access NHS services.

Some items have moved within the App, but all the health services you need are still available. Your settings will remain the same before and after the update too. 

The new, user-friendly version of the NHS App will start to be available from December 11th, making it easier to: 

  • order repeat prescriptions 
  • book appointments 
  • access 111 Online
  • view your GP record
  • and much more…

Need some help using the NHS App? Use the in-app Help feature or visit nhs.uk/nhs-app for guidance.



Patient Participation Group

The Patient Participation Group (PPG) consists of patients who wish to be involved in the local practice whilst taking an active role in the development of local health services.

The purpose of the group is to facilitate patients and the practice staff working together to share ideas to help improve the services offered at the practice in addition to sourcing out any local community services that would help enhance aspects of the patients lives.

Have your say! Come and join us to share ideas and help improve our services...

To become a PPG member simply email us at:
hwicb.kingfisher.ppg@nhs.net or you can apply for PPG newsletters to be mailed straight to your inbox.

Pharmacy First

Think Pharmacy First

Over 95% of pharmacies in England have signed up to the NHS Pharmacy First service which supports people in certain age groups who need help with :

▪ Earache (aged 1 to 17 years)

▪ Impetigo (aged 1 year and over)

▪ Infected insect bites (aged 1 year and over)

▪ Shingles (aged 18 years and over)

▪ Sinusitis (aged 12 years and over)

▪ Sore throats (aged 5 years and over)

▪ Urinary tract infections (UTIs) in women (aged 16 to 64 years) If you have symptoms that suggest you may have one of these conditions, you can walk into a pharmacy and be offered a consultation with a pharmacist in a private consultation room. Our staff can also electronically refer you to a pharmacy of your choice for the service.

Pharmacists will provide advice and, if clinically necessary, offer you an NHS medicine to treat your condition (NHS prescription charges apply if you normally pay for medicines supplied on prescription). They will then send us an electronic message so your GP health record can be updated.

Should the pharmacist be unable to help, you will be directed to our GP surgery or other health professional as appropriate.

If you have symptoms that suggest you have one of the above conditions, why not give the Pharmacy First service a try?

For more information, visit How pharmacies can help - NHS (www.nhs.uk)

PPG Poster